Friday, March 5, 2010

Dear Chronic,

I went to the midnight showing of Alice in Wonderland last night, and I have to say that it was, without a doubt, the best movie I've seen in theater this entire school year.

Never mind that the last movie I went to was District 9, this is a must see.

But I had some trouble explaining my thoughts toward it to Hidden in the Corner Editor and Superbad Editor, so I think I'll just take Alice's advice and let the flowers do the talking. I noticed these walking home today and decided a picture was in order. I took it literally just steps from Superbad Editor's home (yeah, we're kind of neighbors like that) with my Blackberry.

Snow and Hollywood: two things I usually could do without, but every now and then, something worthwhile shows up. Now go see it!

On a side note, I have yet to see a movie in 3-D, and until today, I didn't even realize there really was such a thing... I feel like I might be in the minority of one on this one.

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"You can't rush greatness."--Ty Cobb. So take your time.